Keep in touch with our family and see what is going on in our world. If you know me and my camera fetish, you may be able to see yourself on here occassionally, but who knows. Enjoy

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Our fun filled Summer 2007

Well, I thought that the first Blog should be a recap of this summer's events. This has been one of the most action packed summers for us. Going back to June we (Alicia, Brennan, and I) were privileged to be part of the 2007 District Convention Drama, "Clothe yourselves with lowliness of mind", that was held at the Cow Palace in San Francisco. It was a wonderful experience and will never forget the opportunity to be used in it.

At the end of June Brennan and I relived one of my favorite teenage memories when we backpacked into Picayune Valley, near Squaw Valley, in the Northern Sierra Mountains. It was a gruelling 4.5 mile hike into the forest, but an exciting one too. I'm sure we will never soon forget the scenery we took in on that trip. As a side note, I learned not to test the bear (pepper) spray in the direction the wind is blowing. (ouch, lips were burning for a while).

Not too long after we returned from that trip we went for another, the Helton Family camping trip at Jackson Meadows Reservoir. This year we were honored to have veteran camper Gary Crews join us for the extravaganza. This was also the first year that we brought Alicia's mini schnauzer, Maggie. Both were a joy to be around. We were able to take 2 canoes this year and it was nice to cruise the lake at sunset and enjoy the beauty we were surrounded by. Side note, we were also rudely awakened almost every morning by the Logging company that was clearing out trees right next to the campground.

We spent most weekends that we were not camping close to home, relaxing and planning for our next adventure. It was fairly hot here, as some of you know, and on these hot days we would high-tail it down to the other Rileys to enjoy their cool Pool.

Ok, so that has been the majority of our summer, but we still have quite a bit of summer left. I think this blogging will help me get my pictures I have taken into circulation a little better. I take so many pictures that just sit on my hard-drive and do not get viewed. I hope you enjoy and I am quite open to any critics or feedback. This is a learning experience for me and I hope that I can take some things away from it, so please post your comments and thoughts on each and every new blog. Hope to see you all soon.

The Riley's

1 comment:

TeamChavez4 said...

Hi Slade, Love the blog! Looking forward to more. It is such a great way to keep family and friends updated. Consider yourself bookmarked. Cheers! Cousin Jen and Family